Ryan Alyn Porter

Web and mobile software developer

Need an FTP Server? Here's How to Get There With Vagrant, EC2 and Vsftp

An example of using Vagrant’s vagrant-aws plugin to launch an FTP server on EC2 using vsftp.

When I was building Vault, the data warehouse for the Hakkasan Group, I had to accommodate data sources that post data files to an FTP server. I didn’t want to compromise the security of the data warehouse by running an FTP daemon on an existing server in Vault’s secure production environment, so I spun up a dedicated FTP server outside of that environment in the same Amazon EC2 data center.

No self-respecting DevOps practitioner would set up a server like that manually. I used Chef to configure the cloud instance. But I also wanted to automate creating the instance, not just configuring it. One way to do that is with the Knife tool in the Chef suite of tools. Knife is powerful, but using it is not simple, especially without a Chef server. I wanted to automate as much of the process as possible, so that ideally creating the server in the cloud is as simple as pressing a button and then sitting back and watching it happen.

To accomplish that, I turned to Vagrant, a tool originally intended for creating development environments. Now it’s capable of a lot more. Vagrant’s multi- provider technology makes it easy to use the vagrant-aws plugin to create cloud instances on Amazon EC2, or vagrant-rackspace to use Rackspace, or vagrant-google for the Google cloud, or others, in addition to local development environments.


My original plan was to use the FTP support from Box.com, but the first data source was OpenTable. Let’s just say that the technical people at OpenTable are apparently focused on things other than assisting enterprise-level restaurant accounts with accessing their own data. After over two months of watching them fumble helplessly at getting their system to post files to Box.com, I gave up and told them that I would set up the most vanilla FTP server imaginable. (They still could barely figure it out.) If all that you need is a cloud FTP service, you might want to just go and get a Box.com account. They’re awesome. I had to find a different way.

My goal was to get vsftp running in the cloud with the most boring and conventional configuration possible. I used the vagrant-aws plugin to create an Ubuntu 12.04 cloud instance at Amazon EC2. I used the vagrant-omnibus plugin to install Chef, and then I used Chef to provision the instance with vsftp, to configure it, and to create the FTP user(s). The whole thing is fully automated from the vagrant up command.

I used the new bursting T2.micro instance type that only costs $9.50 per month. Plenty of power for an FTP site that only handles a few transfers per day.


  • Install Git
  • Install VirtualBox
  • Install Vagrant
  • Install the Vagrant-Omnibus plugin for Vagrant: vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus


One of the goals of DevOps is to create servers with code like this, instead of with manual labor like this. So you’ll need to get some code. The code for creating this FTP server is stored in the endymion/ec2-ftp project on GitHub.

Clone the project to your development system by opening a terminal and switching to the folder on your machine where you want the code (suggestion: cd ~/projects) and enter this command: git clone git@github.com:endymion/ec2-ftp.git. If you can cd ec2-ftp then it worked.

The meat of the project is in the Vagrantfile and in the Chef recipe. When you give Vagrant the vagrant up --provider=aws command, it looks in the Vagrantfile for the aws configuration section. That section includes the AMI to use, the region where you want your cloud instance to run, and the instance type. The key and secret for accessing AWS comes from environment variables that you need to set before you run vagrant up, as well as the name of the EC2 key pair that the vagrant-aws plugin will install on your new cloud instance, so that you can connect to it with vagrant ssh.


To spin up an EC2 machine you’ll need a key and secret for accessing your AWS account. Create an IAM user in a group with full access to EC2, and provide the key and secret by setting two environment variables:

export AWS_KEY=“[YOUR KEY]"

To access the EC2 machine you’ll need an EC2 key pair. If you have a key pair in a file called ec2-ftp.pem in the root of this project, then you can configure that by setting two environment variables, like this:

export AWS_KEYPAIR_NAME="ec2-ftp”
export AWS_KEYPAIR_PATH="ec2-ftp.pem"


I needed to create a few FTP users, so that each different data source has its own login to the server. It’s not good practice to store sensitive information like usernames and passwords in any code repository, so I used a separate YAML configuration file that is not stored in the Git repository.

You’ll need to provide a users.yml file in the root of this project that contains a list of users to set up on the server. You can change this file after the server is running and then re- provision later with Chef, using vagrant provision to make changes to the user list.

The format of the file is:

  password: 'password'
  shadow_hash: 'shadow_hash'

For example, if there are two users, foo and bar, with the passwords password1 and password2 respectively, then the file should look like this:

  password: 'password1'
  shadow_hash: '$1$yoursalt$u/huh9HuopXpub4Ha3SWO/'
  password: 'password2'
  shadow_hash: '$1$yoursalt$AWgHV/EkLFgEsWORPVSjh.'

The password: entries are really just there for your benefit. If you’re storing them somewhere more secure then they’re not necessary.

Generate the shadow hashes with:

openssl passwd -1 -salt "yoursaltphrase"

Use any salt phrase you like.

Create the server

Once you have the prerequisite software, the code for setting up the server, your AWS authentication, and your user list set up, you can create and configure the server with one simple command:

vagrant up --provider=aws

Now just sit back and watch it go. Map a CNAME DNS entry to the instance once it’s running, and you’re done. If you need to add more users, then add new entries to your users.yml file and then run Chef on the cloud instance again with:

vagrant provision

Security group

Make sure that you have ports 21 and 22 open in the security group for your instance. Port 21 is for FTP, and port 22 is for SSH and SFTP.

Connect to the server

Once the server is up, you can connect to it via SSH with Vagrant with the command:

vagrant ssh

That’s one of the reasons that Vagrant is awesome. You don’t need to keep track of the IP or hostname of your instance, and you don’t need to manually tell it what key pair file to use when you connect. Just tell Vagrant to give you an SSH connection and it will take you there.

You should also now be able to connect to your new FTP server from any FTP client, either with straight FTP or with SFTP. The Chef recipes create and install a self-signed certificate for sshd so that you don’t have to.

Read-only root folders

For security reasons, vsftp does not allow a user’s home folder to be writable. You could override that to make things simple, but it’s set up like that for a reason. The best practice is for a superuser to create a subfolder in each user’s home folder and then use that for FTP files. I needed a custom setup in each user’s home folder, but you could easily create a “files” folder automatically in the Chef recipes if you want to automate that process for every user.
